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What We Do


We identify and screen UNHCR registered refugees or asylum seekers who have been displaced from their country of origin by war, famine, religious oppression, racial persecution, political threats and/or social exclusion.

We determine if the proposed refugee application is viable, i.e. credible story, correct supporting documents, analysis of red flags, interviews where necessary etc.


We confirm funding requirements for a candidate family as per Ontario RAP rates. Clarendon House finances all private sponsorship families through our donor and partnership network.

We proceed with formal application package to ROC-Ottawa, including compiling all official application forms, supporting refugee documents, providing translation services and providing guidance to refugee families throughout the process. 



Upon visa approval by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada, Clarendon House manages all aspects of the refugee family's settlement needs for the initial 12 month time period and beyond.

Our primary focus at Clarendon House is to assist refugees as best as possible as they begin their new lives in Canada. We pay particular attention on their literacy and employment well-being, key drivers for long-term success. 

Step 1:

Refugee Screening

Step 2:

Application Process

Step 3:

Approval & Resettlement

2141 Kipling Ave., Toronto, Ontario

Canada , M9W 4K8




Charity Registration No.

77035 2110 RR0001



Tel: 416-961-3581

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